AskGamblers Donates €50,000 to UNICEF to Combat COVID-19

Author of the posts By Hazel "Harmony" Price Jun10,2024

The online casino resource, AskGamblers, has increased its efforts to combat the COVID-19 crisis by pledging a substantial €50,000 (roughly $54,353).

The money, gathered at their charitable gala in Belgrade earlier this year, will be given to UNICEF via AskGamblers’ parent company, Catena Media. The event was a resounding triumph, generating a total of €66,900 thanks to the generosity of various iGaming collaborators.

AskGamblers conveyed their appreciation to all who participated and enabled the donation. They aspire for this contribution to have a meaningful impact in the fight against the virus, especially for the most susceptible.

Nikola Teofilovic, AskGamblers’ Vice President, highlighted the significance of aiding those at the forefront of this worldwide emergency. He affirmed that the organization felt obligated to contribute to the struggle and safeguard those most in danger.

This benevolent act from AskGamblers exemplifies the gaming sector’s dedication to assisting communities throughout the pandemic. Previously this month, the Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) in the UK also displayed their backing by contributing a noteworthy £2.6 million (around $3.2 million) to NHS Charities Together. The proceeds were amassed through a virtual Grand National event, illustrating the industry’s unity and empathy during these difficult periods.

Author of the posts

By Hazel "Harmony" Price

With a Ph.D. in Operations Research and a Master's in Hospitality Management, this accomplished writer has a deep understanding of the operational and logistical challenges facing modern casinos and the strategies used to optimize performance and customer satisfaction. They have expertise in queueing theory, revenue management, and service operations, which they apply to the analysis of casino operations and the development of strategies to improve efficiency, profitability, and customer loyalty. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a managerial perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to drive operational excellence and customer delight.

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